CryptoBitface, a pixel journey in the NFT metaverse

Crypto Bitface
2 min readApr 19, 2021



Hello there, if you landed on this page it means that you are interested or at least curious about Crypto Bitface. And I thank you for that.

I started this project for a week now and since I having so much fun doing it I thought it was a good thing to start a Medium. To keep track of what ‘s been done. But also share with the community about news, announcements, and all the questions and decisions about the project.

Even though I’m just in the genesis of the project I will post weekly’s updates. Talking about the growth of the community on different social medias but also the new faces minted, listed, sold etc

You can follow the news on Twitter and Instagram to don’t miss anything. And of course the medium every week on Mondays.


At the time when I write these lines 20 Bifaces has been created and minted on opensea. 10 New Bitfaces are created every week and it will go this way at least until then end of May. It will be around 90 Bitfaces. Then I will see how the project is going and if the community is ready to vote and be part of the project entirely.

Right now we have 44 followers on Instagram and 27 on Twitter.

Community development

I would like to involve the community as much as I can. So in order to do so I first have to wait for it to grow. I think about 200–300 hundred followers I will be a start for asking for opinions, or ideas trough votes on Twitter or Instagram and to be relevant.

But later, I would like the community to be central. I really want the CryptoBitface followers to participate and choose the next theme or character, or any suggestion for the project. And of course, if the community grow, I will think about more media Like telegram or maybe discord to be even closer to you and organise “private” AMA room or fun stuff like that for example.

I would like this project to unite people through the different characters that I would propose. I want to create without any distinction, without barriers or borders and without limits and maybe some day everyone will have his own Bitface!

Let’s work now and see you in a week !

Maye the Face Bit with you.



Crypto Bitface

Crypto_Bitface is a new way to see Pixel NFTs. Infinite possibilities, involving the community and trying to propose an original NFT concept throught each gen!